Richard Adams presents a series of framed works on paper in his usual Colourfield style of abstraction. Using subtle colours and textures with strong horizontal compositions, he cleverly expresses foreshore configurations and aching skyscapes. The resulting works have a restful, meditative and calming presence that is in complete contrast to Kate Mackenzie's dramatic portraits.
For those who have followed Kate's career in paint over the years, they may be surprised by this latest offering which is more revolution than evolution. Gone is the Surrealist style with its flat texture and fine, tight brush work. In its place is a more expressive approach with a heavily worked surface, oil paint thickly applied with a palette knife. The subjects of these stunning portraits are presented fragmented and ragged at the edges, suggestive of the trials they may be facing during these difficult times.
For those who have followed Kate's career in paint over the years, they may be surprised by this latest offering which is more revolution than evolution. Gone is the Surrealist style with its flat texture and fine, tight brush work. In its place is a more expressive approach with a heavily worked surface, oil paint thickly applied with a palette knife. The subjects of these stunning portraits are presented fragmented and ragged at the edges, suggestive of the trials they may be facing during these difficult times.