I am an artist who works in the medium of photography while exploring another, that of a painter. The camera becomes my brush, creating the work on film negative. A simple photograph tells you instantly what it is, giving the viewer a vastly different experience.

We see with our minds, from memory. A word can corrupt how we see, we end up seeing by “assumption”, through the filter of a preconceived notion. The mind will then likely jump to a preconceived idea of a photograph, this immediately limits the wider possibilities of their visceral reaction. At its core, my work is impressionism. Blurring boundaries, challenging assumptions, capturing emotions. I endeavour to take the viewer into their heart.

To look without assumption.

The heart of my work is the light, captured from within Natures rich palette, as an echo of the painters brushstrokes.

My work is sold as One off originals (No numbered editions)

- Timothy Laffey