Key Dates:
Confirm your participation before 30 September
Social Media campaign from 18 November
Email images of completed piece before 23 November
Deliver artwork before 27 November
Opening Sunday 3pm 1 December 
For those who haven’t been involved before, we divide the walls up into three areas based on price. The categories are: Under $500, Under $1,000 and Under $1,500. The biggest category by far is Under $500. We are happy to help with pricing when you send the work in, so don’t worry too much at this stage. 

We are looking for well-priced small works, ideally around 30 cm across. 
Artworks must arrive ready to hang with D rings and string, signed and labeled with dimensions, title, materials and price, attached to the back of the string.
Ideally we would like 3 pieces from each artist but more or less can be discussed. 
We need images of your work, cropped and ready for the online catalogue.
We operate a Cash and Carry system and restock the walls over the course of the exhibition. 
We will have at least one work by each artist on the wall for the opening. 
We would love you to use your socials to help promote the show. We will supply collateral for social media closer to the time.

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